9 Ways to Rekindle the Spark and Fall in Love with Your Job

Falling in love – butterflies, optimism, excitement, restlessness. The feelings we experience during the early stage of a new relationship aren’t so different than what we experience when we start a new job.

Eventually the honeymoon ends.

It takes deliberate effort to keep from growing bored, annoyed and impatient with our partner. And our job.

If you’re feeling like it’s time to break up with your job and find something better, don’t give up yet.

9 Ways to Fall Back in Love with your Job

  1. Spend time with a trusted mentor whose perspective you respect.
  2. Avoid toxic co-workers. Don’t get trapped in their drama.
  3. Find a cause or organization you care deeply about. Ask co-workers to join you at the next volunteer event.
  4. Take frequent breaks throughout the day, and encourage your team to do so. 
  5. Plan something fun with your team outside of work.
  6. Create fresh opportunities for yourself. Seek out a new project/assignment/role or rotate into a different department.
  7. Identify something important that needs improvement and start a wave
  8. Learn a new skill or experiment with a new app. Apply it to your work.
  9. Write down the 5 best qualities about your current job/company. Review the list when you’re at your wits end.

Just like relationships, we experience different phases with our job. Try a few of these ideas and then decide if it’s time to break up or stick with it.

Marta Steele is a Partner at PeopleResults (and loves her job). Connect with her on Twitter @MartaSteele