Communication is the most important dependency for any successful change.
How can we inspire or influence others if our messages don’t stick? We can’t.
When my clients can’t seem to get people behind a new business requirement, procedure, technology shift, or organizational change, usually one or more of the common communication traps is at play.
Beware of these common communication traps:
- No clear “why” or compelling reason to read or listen.
- Not enough reinforcement and repetition of the message through a variety of channels. Email isn’t enough!
- Doesn’t reflect what matters to the group or individual on the other end.
- Lack of involvement and support from an extended group of stakeholders.
- Too wordy, overly complex and riddled with unnecessary details and jargon.
- Too many presentations, not enough conversations.
- Too many emails, not enough conversations.
If you’re running into a lot of resistance for your change, ask yourself how many of the communication traps apply. It’s probably time for a communication reboot.
Marta Steele is a partner with PeopleResults, and helps clients sharpen their oral and written communication to achieve business results. Connect with her on Twitter @MartaSteele.