Add These Books To Your 2015 Must-Read List 

I’m always looking for book recommendations. I scan my friends’ Good Read lists.

I copy and paste any Facebook conversation that mentions book recommendations. I scribble reminders on post-it notes after hearing a positive book review on NPR.

I look forward to this time of year when the best-of lists are compiled. It makes curating the good stuff a lot easier.

This year I decided to create my own list.

Great Books to Add to your 2015 Must-Read List


1. Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work and in Life, by Patti Johnson.

Anyone can start a change, or a wave. Johnson breaks down what is often theoretical change management mumbo jumbo into the practical essentials of taking an idea, building a community of partners, experimenting with imperfection and getting out of your own way. Looking to take a great idea and do something with it? This is your book.

2. The Birth of the Pill, by Jonathan Eig.

Eig traces the fascinating story of 4 crusaders – a scientist, feminist, philanthropist and doctor who, against all odds, created one of the biggest cultural and sociological shifts of the 20th century. A perfect case study in how to make waves.

3. Give and Take, by Adam Grant.

Grant describes why and how those who are “givers” in the workplace (generous in the workplace with time, energy, knowledge, skills; give first and position for success later) rise to the top of the success ladder. The book changed the way I think about helping people.

4. The Conscious Parent, by Dr. Shefali Tsabary.

This is not a book about clever techniques and quick fixes. It’s about allowing children to be the teacher and accepting them fully as the unique person they are. This book completely transformed the way I interact with my kids, and as a result, I am a calmer, more present parent.

5. Yes Please, by Amy Poehler.

There are so many great stories and lessons but my favorite is Poehler’s analogy that your career is like a bad boyfriend. “It [your career] likes it when you don’t depend on it. It will reward you every time you don’t act needy … It is healthy to remember you can always leave and go with somebody else.”

Each of the books was a delightful read, full of new ways of approaching the work, people and world around us.

What is on your top five list?

Marta Steele is a Partner at PeopleResults and wishes there was more time in the day to read. Follow her on Twitter @MartaSteele.