The bonds we create are key to building our business and creating full and happy lives. It’s 2020 and time for those New Year’s Resolutions! On my list of resolutions is to be a better connector in work and life. How can I work this in when juggling everything else (work, travel, house, kid’s schedules, gym time, volunteering, etc., etc.)? Are you in the same boat?
I’m going to focus on engaging with individuals whom I already spend time with or have some sort of unique connection with. I’m thinking of high school & college friends, people I volunteer with, my kid’s friend’s parents, neighbors.
So, how can we be better connectors?
Be personable & share a little.
- When I join a conference call a few minutes early, I’ll connect with others who join early. In the last call, we chatted about upcoming vacation plans. In just 2 minutes we found some common ground on places we have been to or are planning on visiting. Keep notes on these…follow up with an interesting article or recommendation and ask about it on your next call.
Be interesting.
- Ask a good question. “What excites you right now? What are you looking forward to? What’s the best thing that happened to you this year?”
- Stay relevant. I rely on The Daily (NY Times) podcast and CNN 5 things daily email.
Add value.
- Maybe you have a tip on a job that will be coming open, or you know someone who is looking for the services they offer. It could be something as small as lending them a book or telling them about an inspiring TED talk.
Pay attention & do your research.
- Give someone your full attention, don’t scan the room to see who else is there and don’t check your phone.
- Do a little research before going to meet someone. Knowing a little about them and finding commonalities go a long way in making that connection.