My dear friend Amy Tirion is in the inspiration business. She works everyday to help women be inspired to be their best selves – as professionals, mothers, wives and people.
She is a source of inspiration to me and to so many who know her … and her latest blog on inspiration has made me stop to think about the role that inspiration plays in our lives.
My friend and colleague Michelle Milam Davis has also been a huge source of inspiration for me.
Michelle passed away on Oct. 24th, 2014, and was eulogized beautifully by a dear friend during her service. He described Michelle perfectly as he talked about how she believed that there’s always a better way to do things.
I experienced that with Michelle as we worked together over the past few years. I have very fond memories of working with her during challenging circumstances and watching her effectively navigate projects using this elegant, simple philosophy.
There’s always a better way to do things has resonated with me recently as I realize that I’ve been “stuck” in a few areas and I needed to really focus on changing some things that need to change.
My challenge to you is to take some time to assess where you are on the inspiration front. Who inspires you? Here are some reminders of ways you can find your inspiration if you find that you’re without:
- Find, or reconnect with your mentor. A mentor can give you a sounding board and provide some perspective on the challenges you face. Find more than one person who can play this role for you.
- Don’t get so caught up in daily life that you only focus on what’s urgent and miss what’s important. Sometimes you have to seek inspiration – sometimes it’s been there all along.
- Find time to take a day off for yourself if you’ve been working too much. Do nothing – enjoy nature, a great cup of coffee, your kids and pets.
- Connect with others in your field through social media and identify opportunities to learn something new every day.
- Find a coach and develop an action plan to change what you need to change.
- Read a great book by someone who inspires you.
As for me, I’m thankful that I have people like Amy and Michelle and my mentor, Patti Johnson in my life. I’m taking time during this season of thanksgiving to connect back to my sources of inspiration – and remember there’s always a better way to do things.
Sheri Browning is a Partner at PeopleResults. You can reach her at or on Twitter @sbPResults.